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Service Implementation Model

Our service implementation model is based on the Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP) autism spectrum disorder ASD Practice Guidelines. These guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our model incorporates these guidelines to ensure that we deliver effective, ethical, and high-quality services. Here are the key components of our implementation framework:

Behavior Analytic Assessment

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of each client. This includes gathering information from interviews, observations, and assessments, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the individual's strengths, challenges, and specific needs. We utilize validated assessment tools and follow standardized procedures to gather accurate and reliable data.

Individualized Treatment Plan Development & Modification

Based on the assessment results, we develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to the unique needs and goals of the individual. Our treatment plans are evidence-based and align with the best practices outlined in the ASD Practice Guidelines. We prioritize interventions that have empirical support and focus on targeting skill acquisition, reducing challenging behaviors, and promoting overall functional independence.

Direct Treatment

We implement ABA interventions that are rooted in the principles of behavior analysis and supported by research evidence. Our interventions are individualized, data-driven, and based on ongoing assessment and analysis of the individual's progress. We focus on promoting skill development across various domains, including communication, socialization, self-care, academic skills, and adaptive behaviors.


We place emphasis on the importance of ongoing professional development, promoting continuous learning and growth among supervisors and service providers. Our BCBA’s provide direct support and supervision to assistant behavior analysts and registered behavior technicians ensuring the implementation of behavior intervention programs.  Moreover, senior clinical team members regularly host/attend supervision meetings which consist of data review, addressing challenges in the field, and direct observations. These meetings facilitate practical knowledge and expertise in delivering effective behavioral interventions, collaboration, provide feedback to staff members involved in direct delivery of services and assists our clinical team in making informed decisions based on data analysis.

Behavior Management and Support

We prioritize the implementation of positive behavior support strategies to address challenging behaviors exhibited by individuals with ASD. Our approach involves conducting functional behavior assessments to understand the underlying functions of challenging behaviors and developing behavior intervention plans that focus on teaching appropriate alternative behaviors and providing reinforcement for positive behavior change.

Data Collection and Analysis

We utilize systematic data collection procedures to monitor the individual's progress and make data-driven decisions. We collect data on targeted skills, behavior goals, and other relevant variables to track progress, make necessary modifications to the treatment plan, and evaluate the effectiveness of our interventions. Data analysis helps us ensure that our interventions are evidence-based, individualized, and continuously improving.

Parent / Caregiver Training

We believe in the importance of collaboration and actively involve families throughout the intervention process. We work closely with parents/caregivers, providing training, guidance, and support to help them implement strategies and interventions within their everyday routines. We value the unique insights and perspectives of families and aim to empower them as active partners in the intervention process.

Continuity and Coordination of Care

We implement a system of continuous monitoring and quality assurance to ensure that our services meet the highest standards. This involves regular supervision, case reviews, and feedback sessions to maintain the integrity of our interventions and provide ongoing support to our team members.

Transition / Fading

We understand the significance of systematic and thoughtful transition planning for our clients who no longer need or benefit from our services. We have developed a transition / fading procedure which involves preparing our clients and their families for the successful transition out of services or the transfer of care to another provider.

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